
Friday, October 30, 2009

For love of Fall

The wind, a breeze


Through the hazy afternoon


The scent of autumnal bonfires.

Awake soul!

The dying embers of the summer sun


Warming the top of your head

Soothing caress

you sigh


a part of the dancing leaves

colorful decorations

of fall.


  1. HEY nice to see you write, this is beautiful. I love how you have the leaves dancing, I can see that, all the colors.. I love fall and dancing..
    SMILES,, Happy Halloween

  2. Thanks Inky ((Hugs)) for all of the support you've given me lady! :)

  3. TY , popped over to send HUGS and smiles on this sunny autumn day

  4. This is so very lovely, Strawberry Girl. Lovely, indeed.

  5. And so the change in the seasons could be felt through your words!!
    "The dying embers of the summer sun" well written line!!beautiful poem describing the sheer beauty of nature!!keep writing!!

  6. Thanks again Inky, you are a true friend.

    Judith, thank you for the comment. :)

    Heavealie, I am glad you could feel this one, thanks for stopping by. :)

  7. I love the way you've begun this beautiful piece - "the wind, a breeze". You clearly understand the difference between the two words, yet you allign them in the same line due to their textural similarities. Wise!

    And, you've further justified it later on; filetered wind = breeze; undoubtedly, it awakes the soul!

    I love the metaphorical first-half of this piece as it conveys how one can self-sooth oneself. Charming take!

    Ah! "Dancing leaves" - that is an optimist thought!

    Overall, a beautiful piece regardless of one taking it as a metaphorical piece or a straightforward one! Well done, you! Keep writing!!!
