
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Some fun thoughts

Most fun thing you have done? 
Wildest? Most embarrassing?

My brother and I were always cooking up crazy schemes... I think the craziest was the zip line we built. My Dad conveniently had 30+ feet length of rope and we had a large parcel of land out behind our house with really tall trees and junk that people threw over the fence. So we took the rope and detached bicycle handle bars and made a zipline. Basically tied it to the top of the tree and repelled down and tied it to another tree. That's just about the scariest thing I've done as well!

Wildest, refer to previous story... Haha we've got plenty more adventures like that. Most embarrassing... Geez um I usually get into embarrassing situations... Like the time I was at a laundry mat with my Dad and took a dump only to realize that there was no toilet paper. So I didn't know where my Dad was and I'm trying to figure out how to clean up and the conclusion was to take a bath in the sink... I'm 10 and tiny so it wasn't too far fetched right? Well I got in the sink and turned on the faucet, damn thing starts spraying everywhere. I'm panicking, Dad's still AWOL (and who wants to ask their Dad for toilet paper anyway?) water is spraying every where but I figure I am not going to get out of here without cleaning off. So I hop in the sink, clean up as best I can, and then hop out. Retreat to the corner where I had stashed my clothes on the filthy ground of the bathroom, realize that it's damn hard to put clothes on when your wet but what can you do? I then peeked out the door and when no one was looking bolted out to find my Dad. Dad was somehow oblivious to my wet clothes and we left. In the back of my mind was the sink spraying water everywhere.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Diagnostics of a Broken Heart

So far, so good

The bleeding's stopped, mostly

The pressure behind the eyes, diminished

Replacement fluids, started

Internal damage might be irreparable, there's scarring

A piece is missing, it can never be replaced

The patient is still vulnerable


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

King John - Constance

I love this scene from the play...

Thou art not holy to belie me so;
I am not mad: this hair I tear is mine;
My name is Constance; I was Geffrey's wife;
Young Arthur is my son, and he is lost:
I am not mad: I would to heaven I were!
For then, 'tis like I should forget myself:
O, if I could, what grief should I forget!
Preach some philosophy to make me mad,
And thou shalt be canonized, cardinal;
For being not mad but sensible of grief,
My reasonable part produces reason
How I may be deliver'd of these woes,
And teaches me to kill or hang myself:
If I were mad, I should forget my son,
Or madly think a babe of clouts were he:
I am not mad; too well, too well I feel
The different plague of each calamity. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Going on Without You

I've made this little home

I'm decorating it the way I like

My personality is starting to come through

but it is not a replacement for you.

I wish I could tell you the many things

that have gone through my head

I look back and question

if all the fun we had was a farce, whether I was anything to you at all.

I suppose I wasn't myself,


I was focused on the myopic world of lectures and study.

How is it that someone

could be the one

who can release all of my tension

Make me laugh like there was no sorrow in the world

Play around as though we were children,

Yet be so inaccessible

so unreachable

like a locked fortress

where secrets stir

and fester

boiling over at the most unexpected moments


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Happiness is...

Happiness is

Spending time in my little home, a safe haven

finding joy in the subtle color I splashed on the walls

and a cat curled up and purring by my side

I take some time to relax and read

a nice break from the day to day grind of work.

Happiness is

finally spending time with my sister

many years separate us, some misunderstandings as well

all things have been resolved

we now have the time to be the sisters I always wanted to be.

Happiness is

Learning integrity in word and deed without the threat of eternal damnation hanging over my head

learning of morality and morals not as a thing of condemnation

rather beautiful jewels in the garment of my being

Happiness is

Hearing about people who are compassionate and kind

brave and couragous

doing things that no one has ever dreamed

Happiness is

the fleeting moments in between sadness, anxiety, despair and all the breadth of human

calamities and commotion that make up the fabric of life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


I have no time to write, so I will snatch a moment from the in-between

in-between moments, in-between rushing to or from work.

in-between friendships where we say hello, and how are you, without much sincerity, all those friends live in the in-between as well.

in-between co-workers who care, but we don't have enough time in-between meetings to get to know  each other well.

in-between life, a moment in this realty a moment in the next, never enough time to know what it all means.

in-between poverty and wealth

sincerity and facade

and in-between that all those I've lost because they've wanted all or none of me and really I am in-between being and becoming

I've no more time in-between now and then, no way to return once I've passed in-between stages

in-between now and then, and again.