
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Wise Woman

I need a wise woman in my life

someone to turn to when I stumble

I feel like I am failing


I can't be the one to fall 

there's a void 

a grasping for a voice of reason 

Which has left me standing, flailing 


all around me are grasping too 

each trying to uphold her place 

uphold her piece 

and we all stand stretching out our hands 

holding a piece 

a bit of the wisdom 

a bit of the whole 

a community of women 

all needing the wise one 

our little ones flail about in search of her 

seeking the steady beat of her heart 

and grasping, 

flailing they come up short 

and I am holding this little piece of experience 

I offer it up 

I cannot fall 

I must rise 

for I must and we must become the one we are seeking,

The wise one

The Black Dog

Depression walks along side 

like the penumbra of the moon 

Variegated in form

to catch unawares

the overwhelmed

the fatigued

intensifying illness

diffusing wellness

driving insecurity 

and anxiety

invisible to others

especially those who cannot see

the black dog

following your path