
Friday, September 24, 2010

Coal To Ashes

Coal to ashes, flame to darkened pitch,
burned embers left charred unattended in my heart.

You were to me the radiant sun,
you were to me life, bounty, hope

Together a spark became a flame leaping,
joyously higher, such pure radiant light.

Our hearts were bound together, a link,
forged steel in the brightest flame.

Fate though would not leave the link to be,

If I hold my silence you must understand
that a fool I was and a fool I am!

My heart, soul, sorrows,
poured into the minute details of the past,
folded in a letter which I gave, an explanation.

Bound from the beginning to another.

Foolish attraction, we mixed our souls together,
fate tossed us about, evil fate.

For all that I loved you I was mocked,
each word that was spoken a simple fools repetition,
a broken record,

we cannot be together, fate has not decreed it to be so,

endless sighs and goodbyes till I gaged on the words,
sour words in my mouth, bitter lexicon,
gall encompassed until the collapse of everything,
this endless guilt, penance for the audacity of tempting fate.

Silence, silence I have held, silence reigns.

You once so beautiful,
angry now at our broken connection,
reverberating silence in the hollows of your heart.

You are still trying to grasp the reality,
of broken links, links not sanctioned by fate.

So am I, I still cannot truly explain why
all I know is that,

Dust we are,
to dust we shall return, dust,

Once a fire burned,
coal to ashes, flame to darkened pitch.