
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Little Moments

Breezes whisper
soft little melodies
golden lisping glimpses of yesterdays games

I miss...
foot-baths in spring run off
splashing down the gutter
by the road

Toes in fresh soil
amber firelight
and breezes

Up in the mountain
silent sounds
like crickets and birds

Mechanical shut down

Sleeping sound slumber
hammock swaying back and forth
pushed by feet
free of shoes

Little bugs, running up and down trees
little voices calling my name
presents, like dandelions and rocks

I miss you
John Denver
Annies Song

Annies happy moments
curled up with a book
as we drive

Dad, I miss your stories
how many times will I get to drive with you?
How many more times?

I miss...
fish hooks, and lakes
sandy toes

I wish

I hope

I will have more moments like these

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I am fortunate

Not always wise, rather foolish ineed

Can I say that I'm not?

Not me

Why then fortunate?

though foolish

I am loved

I am fortunate

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Love or Hate?

Potent, powerful, essence

A glimmer of thought trails my hidden cheek

venom spreads from word and deed

working on,

though the wounds seem to have healed

love, a fissure of light on a heart

a tender wound, a silent hurt

use your venom elsewhere

I cannot breathe

You hate me well

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Long Thoughts


Time and season

Good and bad





Force cannot overcome

Nor wishing it so

Frustration from such a course

I could not speak

My words snatched out of frustration

I could not pray

Enveloped in disbelief

Every word like a condemnation

All on hold

Till the time I could prove myself

I came like a visitor

A vision

Wandering through grief


Silent tears in my eyes


If I could explain anything at all, it would be that I

I the silent wanderer

entered the realm of pain


Everything was grey

Including my love

It had darkened from misuse


It was fastened upon a hope

Dashed away

I could not grasp for hopes continually dragged through the mud

So I let go

Grasping at some other hopes instead

Buried Alive


Signals come from everywhere



Can you hear the silence?

The silence before the storm?

Stirs the soul


Pain speaks


Grief buried alive

Stirs the soul

In the silence before the storm



I swam in it once

The draining force

It's like a vortex, sucking and pulling you in


Creeping into everything

Wears you out

Sad to say

Bear Traps

Freely speaking, freedom

A silence that flows from the depths of the past

You would bear me up? Bear up then tear down

Tear me down

Like life hasn't already

Bear traps and soft words are similar


You are caught



My heart belongs to the mountains

Constant friends, inspiring

I gaze, wondering

What secrets they hold

The Boy in The Bubble