
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some generally un-profound thoughts...

Interesting, how life ebbs and flows

a swirling, maniacal mass of information

drifting into your fuzzy awareness

as you awaken each day

to do just about the same thing that you did as the day before,

yet somehow each day

there is just a little shift

a change so minute that the passage of such an event goes unoticed

and one day you awaken to realise

that all of the minute details

are the essence of life

you may curse yourself for having let it all slip by


you may live in a nostalgic awareness of a life well lived

you may not even notice at all

until it's over


  1. I'm obsessed with the amazing way your words flow. OBSESSED. it's amaazing

  2. Life is never monotonous. Although one has the same errand(s) to run each day, there is always a difference, a new spice to challenge it up, to make it more interesting, to make it more alive! Noticing and cherishing those moments regardless of expecting its results and giving its best is our duty as humans. If it goes unnoticed, unacknowledged, one has definitely missed out on something quite important. This is what is indeed, as you appropriately put it, "the essence of life". Only one as an individual can recognize his/her essence of life, and if it is exposed, it shall lose its fragrance. There comes the value of privacy.

    Honey, brilliant, this one! Once in a way even I have slipped in cherishing, or at least living the moment. But, then who hasn't? The ideal thing to do is to make sure not to let any moment slip by.

    This is so you darling. Always profound thoughts! Always, thinking of reality which others are reluctant to think of. Well done! Keep writing, my love! Muwah!

  3. The thoughts you present here are so profound. There is nothing much I can say to add to what you have written other than saying "I agree." In our constant attempts of "missing the obvious" we really lose sight of our life and our goals, only to find later on that we missed them!
