
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bloggy Awards

I have been so blessed through the friendships I have made through blogging. Catherine is one of those good friends that I have met through this medium an dI am so greatful to have met her. She is one of the most thoughtful and creative people I have met and has been a big support to me.

These awards are good ways to recognize our friendships and share a few of our favorite bloggers with others.

Blogging Brings Us Closer Award- From Catherine

“This award recognizes connections and friendships that come about through blogging.” I pass on to…

1. June at 70 Plus and Still Kicking, her narratives of life in Australia are well done and informative. She is an excellent story teller (soon to be published...). :D

2. Star at Star-Forever-Young. She is weaving excellent stories that bring to life history, mystery and even current happenings. She is also a charming story teller (I particularly like her story about bunnies).

3. Nara at In Search of a Greener Tomorrow. Who's excellent photography brings India to life for his readers. Plus he cares about the environment... what other reasons could there be? Oh yeah he's a fun friend to have!! A funny guy. :D

4. OverUnder AKA The U at Any Way I Have To: U is a unique guy, really thoughtful. I have just discovered his blog and find his thoughts on the world to be helpful and mind expanding. He has so much to offer to all of us looking to find our way.

5. Sarah at Dancing With The Waves of The Sea. Artfully done poetry!!She is skilled in so many ways, combining visual art with written art that blows me away with the development of thought.