
Monday, October 14, 2024


I missed your gaze
The way you looked at me 
as though I was 
A brilliant star 
With wonder 
A piece of your heart 
It felt cold
On the other side of that
When the full force of your indifference 
Became apparent 
I think 
I've been searching for that love
For a long time 

Sunday, September 8, 2024


What can I do?
I dream 
of the fire
when I close my eyes
I want you
your pleasure
my pleasure
I hear you 
even now 
I try to keep my silence 
but it's painful 
remembering bliss
in an empty bed
A future 
somehow unfolding

Monday, August 26, 2024

Song of Conviction

 I am a woman with fire in her veins,

a flame of beauty,

a song of conviction,

and a burning passion in my heart.

I've slain the demons,

that have threatened to destroy,

my sanity.

I have fought to claim myself,

for myself.

I won't let that get taken away,

by casual acquaintance with my heart.

I need someone who see's me true, 

someone who has fire in their veins 

and a song of conviction in their heart.

To be the keeper of the flame,

of passion,

of desire,

of beauty,

and all that is real.

My core is deep

and only someone of pure and good intent

will reach it.

Grandma Dorsey

 My Grandmother raised 9 children on her own

Through poverty and depravation

she persevered 

I've always heard 

that she was a saint

the kindest person

I honor her

and have looked up to her

throughout my life

through my own poverty

and depravation

It takes courage to face the world 

to raise children 

when society has failed you

I took her example and said to myself

I will do this! I will raise my children to be


and honorable


and kind

I will raise them to work hard

to look at my example of decency and hard work

and to emulate that.

My Grandmother was a decent, honorable woman

the type of woman that I strive to be every single day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


I saw myself 
In a video 
From a dark, dark time
A time when my tears
Outnumbered my joy
Religion told me I had failed 
Redemption meant
Begging on my knees 
And crying into the void
I had little 
Wedding presents in the closet 
Patched up couches in the carport 
Living in my childhood room
With two little babies 
An unfaithful husband 
And a broken heart
I see myself then, I see myself now
Who knew 
I would overcome all that
Yet love
eludes me
Am I a fool?
Afraid, though hopeful 
Still I don't know how long I can stand on the shifting sands
To see if bedrock lays underneath 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024



is uncomfortable

The more difference

the greater the discomfort

In some cases we accommodate 

we imagine, how it would be 

to live our lives in a chair

Or how it would be,

to not see.


When the differences are harder to see,

or understand,

it's easy to dismiss or reject them,

be afraid.

harder to embrace someone who doesn't fit the mold

that you were told is acceptable.

Their differences may seem like a choice,

or a personal failure.

We think to ourselves, why should we accommodate that?

But who are you to judge?

Can you really know what others face?

Can you not accept that we all try our best with what we've got?

Give others the grace, that you should also allow yourself.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Truly Mine

What I need is a deep and abiding flame

a man who sees me

all that I am

beauty and pain

ugliness too

no love can survive

without admiration and respect


and effort

No amount of compatibility can make up for indifference 

or deception

so are you true? 

True to yourself? True to me?

Can I wake up each day counting on the sunlight of your love?

See the devotion in your eyes and actions?

Or will you make me question? 

I don't need that

Be true to me, be truly, truly mine

or leave me be.